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   What's up Coko fans. The past two years have kept all fans on the edge of their seats waiting for a new album to released or a possible SWV reunion. Well I guess your all wondering what the hold is. Apparently Coko is on tour with a couple of other stars doing a play. No word on when the long awaited album "Music Doll" will be out or if there will even be a "Music Doll". A lot of us Website owners have been giving the fans even ourselves false hope but truth is nobody knows but as soon as the word leaks I'll be there to keep you posted. Keep checking back for the latest. Oh and if you live in a city where Coko's play is touring, go support here and check it out.
   Second in news. Have you guys ever wondered when a book based on SWV will be out. Well here's a peek. There is a book in progress right now. However in oreder for it to be official the proper paper work must be done and if or when it is you'll be the first to know.
   Last in news for the week , A SWV. I don't think so. Everyones been flappin about how SWV is getting back together. This reporter did her research. The break up of SWV was very bitter and surrounded by a tremendous amount of rumors. Good and Bad! The biggest is the Reunion. Let's clear the air. There has been no agreement for the ladies to reunite however there will be another SWV album. Meaning the girls will reunite for the album but only for the album. I hope things change. But according to my sources this is the way it will be to fulfill the contract sighned by SWV in 1992. That's it for now , For more updates check back.
   Check it out people we know that this is a site dedicated to the beloved Coko but out of respect and love for all music we here at Music Doll would like to extend our sympathy to the family, friends and fans of Aaliyah Dana Houghton who we recently lost in a tragic accident. May we keep her alive in our hearts through her legacy. Her Music. To Aaliyah, take flight and rest in peace. For more on the incident check out our special page dedicated to Miss Houghton.Aaliyah 1979-2001
   The Music Doll is Expanding into the Music Matrix! Now you can read about all your favorite artist right here!